Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sweet Refrigerator Pickles Recipe-

This basic sweet recipe can be used for many other vegetables as well. Beets...assorted veggies.....even green beans! I myself am not a fan of sweet pickles so I add red chile flakes to mine and fresh chopped Dill. Extra Garlic thrown in is awesome as well. I omit the sugar and increase the salt by another TBSP.  But this a great basic recipe and its easy. No canning needed. Just find a jar that will seal tightly? And throw in your fridge for a crispy cool treat from the garden. These are best after waiting for four or five days in my opinion. I usually make two jars worth so one is the one that eat gets eaten now? And the second is the one for later and tends to have a much deeper flavor because it has sat longer. These will last in your fridge for 2-3 months. Enjoy!

Sweet Refrigerator Pickles Recipe 

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